The Book Of Acts Line By Line E4: Acts 2:13-24 ( Peter’s Sermon )| RC Sproul
Welcome back to our study of the book of Acts with the late Dr. RC Sproul. In today’s sermon we’ll be taking a closer look at Acts 2:13-24. In the verse 12 verses of chapter 2, we talked about the coming of the Holy Spirit and the external manifestations ofContinue Reading
Why Your Worldview Either Makes You Or Break You
Jesus said to Pilate in John 18, verse 37. Pilate says, “You are a king, then?” And Jesus answered him, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side ofContinue Reading
The Book Of Acts Line By Line E4: Acts 2:1-12 ( Pentecost )| RC Sproul
Welcome back to our study of the book of Acts with the late Dr. RC Sproul. Today we’re going to turn our eyes to Chapter 2 and zero in on the first twelve verses of the chapter. The word Pentecost has been the subject of many controversies especially within the Continue Reading
What Is The Gospel According To GOD Himself, A Closer Look At Romans 1:16
The book of Romans is probably one of my favorites, if not my favorite book in Sacred Scriptures. I’m making it a point to memorize it in its entirety, but I know that is going to be a very arduous task. I shared an entire exposition of this book, courtesyContinue Reading
Pastor R.C.Sproul – Clothed in Righteousness
Pastor R.C.Sproul New videos –Continue Reading
The Book Of Acts Line By Line E3: Acts 1:12-26 ( A New Apostle )| RC Sproul
Welcome back to our study of the book of Acts with Dr. RC Sproul, today we’ll turn our attention to Acts 1:12-26. Last week, as we reflected on the ascension of Christ, we were reminded of the clear mandate He gave to His disciples—to return to Jerusalem and wait. ForContinue Reading
The Otherness of God – Dr. R. C. Sproul
by R. C. SproulIn the year King Uzziah died, the prophet Isaiah saw a vision of the Holy One of Israel that made him understand the horror of sin and gave him a passion to proclaim the hope of restoration to all who would turn from their wickedness. In likeContinue Reading