The people of Israel wanted a King like their surrounding nations and God had warned them about what the king they wanted would do to them. But in their blindness they disregarded the Lord’s warning and insisted on having their own way. He gave them Saul to teach them a valuable lesson. The one thing that grieved God was the fact that their actions would lead to their rejection of HIM as their king ultimately. Today I will be talking about Samuel’s exchange with Saul in 1 Samuel 10: 1-5 (the prophetic words he spoke to him and their implications). I will be considering the following questions ..
How many people and items are involved in the story?
The significance of each protagonist?
The bigger picture?
img via patheos

My name is Tayib Salami and I started for the sole purpose of exploring difficult questions about the Christian faith that most of us shy away from. In 2017, I entered a very dark time in my life and it’s only by the grace of the Living God that I’m still alive today. It led me to really go deeper in my faith and consider a myriad of questions that I never thought about asking myself or others before. Welcome and enjoy the ride with me.