In the days of his flesh, Jesus[a] offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. 8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. 9 And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, 10 being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
The verse we are looking at today comes from the passage above, you can see that I highlighted it. The perfect Son of GOD, born in a corrupted world to teach us how to listen to the voice of the Father and do His will. He was fully human with the same attributes as ours, and had to face the same temptations and trials that we face yet didn’t succumb to them, to teach us obedience. The only difference between us and Jesus is that He was born without Sin ( the propensity to sin). Born of the virgin Mary by the promise and power of the Holy Spirit, see Isaiah 7:14 ( the prophecy). This is why the virgin birth is so important, every other human was born with the original sin ( inherited from our ancestors Adam and Eve). This is why Scriptures say, the natural man cannot submit to the law of God, because He/she doesn’t have the power to do so.
Let’s dive into it to understand what Scripture is teaching us in this passage, see video below
Scripture References:
Matthew 4:1-4
The lectures’ note are available in the slides below
PS: I started for the sole purpose of exploring difficult questions about the Christian faith that most of us shy away from.All the content generated on this website is thoroughly analyzed prior to being shared. And the site is run solely by myself, your generous support is very much appreciated
My name is Tayib Salami and I started for the sole purpose of exploring difficult questions about the Christian faith that most of us shy away from. In 2017, I entered a very dark time in my life and it’s only by the grace of the Living God that I’m still alive today. It led me to really go deeper in my faith and consider a myriad of questions that I never thought about asking myself or others before. Welcome and enjoy the ride with me.