Revelation 1 exposition

To fully appreciate the Book of Revelation, it’s essential to first understand the historical and cultural background in which it was penned. Primarily addressed to seven churches located in Asia Minor, all provinces under the Roman Empire, these letters bear great significance to the purpose they served. The Roman Empire,Continue Reading

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 an exemplary church

We are embarking on an exciting new journey, inspired by Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonian church. This young congregation was established during Paul’s brief stay in Thessalonica, Greece, where he spent only three Sabbaths. It is mentioned in Acts 17:1-4.Facing persecution from local Judaizers, Paul had to leave ThessalonicaContinue Reading

Genesis 10, a table of the nations

Welcome back to our study of the book of Genesis. We concluded chapter 9 a few weeks ago as we zeroed in on the prophetic words that were pronounced concerning the three sons of Noah. The prophecies were given as a result of the incident that took place in Noah’sContinue Reading