The Book Of Acts Line By Line E2: Acts 1:4-14 ( The Ascension )| RC Sproul
Welcome back to our study of the book of Acts with Dr. RC Sproul, in this sermon, Dr. Sproul turns to Acts 1 :4-14 and discusses Jesus’ answer to a question from His disciples about the restoration of the kingdom. Imagine for a moment that you could see Jesus amongContinue Reading
The Book Of Acts Line By Line E1: Acts 1:1-4 ( A Second Account)| RC Sproul
As you all know, the late Dr. RC Sproul is by far my favorite preacher/ bible teacher and I’ve been listening to his series on the book of acts for quite some time now. I decided to share the entire series on the site and I hope you’ll find itContinue Reading
Revelation 9 Exposition From A Jewish Perspective
Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of the book of Revelation. In our previous session, we delved into chapter 8, where the first four trumpets heralded devastating events on Earth. Now, as we move into chapter 9, the sounding of the fifth and sixth trumpets brings forth fearsome judgments, includingContinue Reading
Revelation 8 Exposition From A Jewish Perspective
Welcome back to our study of the book of Revelation, in our last session, we looked at chapter 7 and talked about the identity of the 144,000 sealed of the tribes of Israel. Today we’ll be looking at Chapter 8, a chapter that reveals the breaking of the seventh seal,Continue Reading
Revelation 7 Exposition From A Jewish Perspective
Welcome back to our study of the book of Revelation. In our last session, we delved into chapter 6, which revealed the opening of the 6 scrolls, calamitous events, a cry for justice from martyrs, and the impending wrath of God that caused unbelievers to panic. Today, we will continueContinue Reading
Revelation 6 Exposition From A Jewish Perspective
Welcome back to our study of the book of revelation, in our last study we took at look at chapter 5 where the apostle John is introduced to the scroll with seven seals. The content of the scroll will later be revealed but at the moment when it was introducedContinue Reading
Revelation 5 Exposition From A Jewish Perspective
Welcome back to our study of the book of revelation, in our last study we looked at chapter 4, where we were given a closer look at the celestial realm. Today we’ll continue with chapter 5 as the study zeroes in on John beholding a heavenly spectacle where a scrollContinue Reading