Hebrews 1: 4-9 Jesus Is Greater Than The Angels Part 1
Jesus is greater than the Angels. Welcome back to our study of the book of Hebrews. Last week, we looked at verses 1 through 3 of chapter 1. And in those three verses, we understood that the author was showing the supremacy of Jesus over the prophets of old. TheyContinue Reading
Why Was Moses Disciplined For Striking The Rock Twice, Looking At Numbers 20 & Exodus 17:1-7
Why Was Moses Disciplined For Striking The Rock Twice? That’s what we are going to be investigating today. It has often been said that the New Testament is in the Old concealed and the Old is in the New revealed. Such is the case with two accounts recorded for usContinue Reading
The Gospel Of Mark Line By Line E13: Mark 13 Exposition By Dr RC Sproul
Welcome back to our study of the book of Mark courtesy of the late DR RC Sproul. In our last session, we looked at chapter 12. Today we will continue with an exposition of Mark 13 and our breakdown will be as follows: The Olivet Discourse (Mark 13:1–8) — AContinue Reading
Jesus Christ Is Greater Than The Prophets, Hebrews 1:1-3
Jesus Christ is greater than the prophets. I was looking for the next book to study and initially I wanted to continue my odyssey of the book of Exodus. I read chapter 3 and came across a few difficulties and decided to shift my attention to the book of Hebrews.Continue Reading
A Close look at 1 Corinthians 12, Understanding Spiritual Gifts
Welcome back to another edition of the Eternal Perspective Conversation. We are going through a leadership training at our church with the sole purpose of equipping the leaders to become grounded in the Truth claims of Scared Scripture. A couple of weeks ago, one of the elders ( elder BillContinue Reading
R.C. Sproul ~ “Jesus is our Righteousness” ~ Sermon Jam
R. C. Sproul who heads up Ligonier Ministries gives a beautiful exposition as to why Jesus is our righteousness… That it not only required His death on the cross but Him living on this earth as the sinless Savior! Ligonier Ministries: https://www.ligonier.org/ Made By OFCLREALMinistries: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLE5qLeqll35yFMHJ9JcdeQContinue Reading
A Look At 1 Corinthians 14, The Gift Of Tongues, Is it For Today?
There has been so much controversy in the church about the gift of tongues that I’ve shied away from talking about it on my website ( Paul dealt with it in 1 Corinthians 14) I have come to the realization that the reason why this spiritual gift has caused soContinue Reading