Abraham, Lot & Sodom, A Complicated Story | Genesis 18:22-33 Part 1 & 2
The Lord had already told Abraham that he was going to bless him and that the rest of the world would be blessed through him. It’s safe to say that Abraham felt highly honored knowing that God would keep the promise that He had made to him. Later on, theContinue Reading
It Doesn’t Matter What You believe If You are Sincere, Is That True? Intro To Reformed Theology By DR RC Sproul
It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere is a very common statement in the world that we live in. The late Dr. RC Sproul in the lecture below is going to be talking about the importance of understanding reformed theology. Before he goes into detailsContinue Reading
The Son Of Man Must Be Lifted Up, Courtesy Of RC Sproul
Be Sure To Subscribe To Ligonier Ministries on Youtube PS:All the videos series from RC Sproul added to the website have been thoroughly listened to by myself. And I highly recommend them to anyone looking to deepen his/her faith in Christ. We live in the age of relativism and nowContinue Reading
Hebrews 5:7—9 How Did Jesus “Learn” Obedience Courtesy Of John Piper
Whether you’re a believer in the Eternal God of the Holy Scriptures or not, the trials of life are inevitable. We all go through it and they aren’t without a purpose. If you’re currently going through a time of testing, this passage in Hebrews 5:7-9 will give you an eternalContinue Reading
Elijah’s Showdown With The Prophets of Ball & Its Implications
The event is recorded in the 18th chapter of the book of Kings. Elijah had been living in Sidon with a widow for some time, hiding from Ahab. God finally commands him to leave Sidon and confront Ahab. At this point the people of Israel under Ahab’s leadership are livingContinue Reading
Albert Mohler: The Authority of Scripture
This message will defend the claim that Scripture alone (as opposed to the Quran, Book of Mormon, etc.) is the Word of God, and defend the claim that Scripture is inerrant. This message is from our 2007 National Conference, Contending for the Truth: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL30acyfm60fVw8mJMbk8A5L3C9iEd2a6b Purchase this conference on DVD: http://www.ligonier.org/store/contending-for-the-truth-2007-national-conference-dvd/?mobile=offContinue Reading
Is There a God?: Silencing the Devil with R.C. Sproul and John Gerstner
How many times have you heard atheists say that they do not believe in God because they believe in the Big Bang theory? Somewhere in that reasoning are unchallenged assumptions about the matter, or material, that makes up the universe. Is matter eternal like some suppose? Can it produce intelligence?Continue Reading