Why Understanding Eternity Is So Vital, Courtesy Of RC Sproul
Right now truly does count forever, and the choices we make today have eternal consequences. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul reminds us not only of the importance of our present thoughts, words, and deeds, but also of the fact that all that happens today is part of God’s planContinue Reading
Even Sneakers Prove That God Exist
Originally posted On Housakicks.com Let me start with this premise, if there was ever a time when there was nothing, what could there possibly be now? It’s a rhetorical question that I would invite you to think about and answer in the comfort of your own setting. I am amazedContinue Reading
Seek the Things That Are Above By John Piper
Every believer in Jesus Christ has a potent spiritual superpower. With the Spirit’s help, we now can seek the very things of heaven above. Bethlehem College & Seminary Chapel | Minneapolis Subscribe to catch every new message: YouTube – https://dsr.gd/JP-Sermon-YouTube iTunes – https://dsr.gd/JP-Sermons-Podcast RSS – https://dsr.gd/JP-Sermons-RSS More options – https://www.desiringgod.org/podcastsContinue Reading
Love Jesus More Than You Love Anything By John Piper
Do you truly love Jesus? If you did, how would you know? The Bible helps us navigate and even command our own emotions. In twelve minutes, John Piper asks four questions about what it means to love Jesus, and leads us, through the words of Jesus himself, to make JesusContinue Reading
God’s Eternal Love: Loved by God with R.C. Sproul
Because of our creaturely limitations, we are tempted to think of love only in terms of time and space. Almost by default, we frame God’s love in the context of creation. Yet we forget that love was not created. What was the object of God’s love before He made HisContinue Reading
R.C. Sproul Jr.: Renewing Your Mind
This lecture will explore Romans 12:2, arguing that we are worldly because we think like the world, that we are in essence slaves to our unexamined assumptions about life and its purpose. It will argue that the renewing of our minds is a life-time process of putting to death theContinue Reading
The Biblical Witness: The Mystery of the Trinity with R.C. Sproul
The word Trinity is not found anywhere in the Bible. So why do Christians insist that the Bible teaches this doctrine? In this message entitled “The Biblical Witness,” Dr. Sproul considers this as he shows how the doctrine of the Trinity is not just a New Testament novelty, but rather,Continue Reading