Elijah’s fear of Jezebel and the Implications Part 1 & 2
Elijah is known as one of the most flashy and rough prophets in sacred scriptures, and that because most of his ministry was characterized with vivid supernatural events. In spite of all the miraculous occurrences in his life , there was a time during his ministry where he was grippedContinue Reading
The Battle with the Flesh: Pleasing God with R.C. Sproul
In this series entitled Pleasing God, Dr. Sproul looks at the threefold battlefront for the Christian—that is the world, the flesh, and the devil. In this message, Dr. Sproul considers the second enemy on that list. Who or what is this enemy, and how can we overcome it? Find outContinue Reading
R.C. Sproul: Love the Lord your God with All Your Mind
Ours is an age that emphasizes emotionalism and experience. Emotions and experiences are not necessarily bad things, but they should not be set up in opposition to the mind, to reason. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul exhorts us to remember that Jesus called us to love God with allContinue Reading
R.C. Sproul: The End & Purpose of the World
Those who walk merely by sight will almost always despair at the conditions in the sin-sick world around them. In this session, Dr. R.C. Sproul will remind us that the world ultimately exists to make manifest the glory of Christ. He will affirm that in the midst of our hardshipsContinue Reading
R.C. Sproul: How to Study the Bible
Have you ever a read passage in the Bible and discovered something you never noticed before? How many interpretations can one Scripture passage have? Are all interpretations valid? While the basic message of Scripture is clear, those who do not understand and apply the basic principles of biblical interpretation canContinue Reading
R.C. Sproul: Post-Christian Christianity
When the surrounding culture changes, one approach that has been taken by many churches over the centuries is to capitulate to the new thought-forms and change the message of Christ to suit the world. This was true of nineteenth-century liberalism, and it is true in many churches today. In thisContinue Reading
Knowledge Puffs Up But Love Builds Up | Renewing Your Mind
In the book of James, it is written in James 1:v5, If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. The wisdom that James is referring to in this passage isn’t the accumulation of empiricalContinue Reading