Defending The Faith, From The Probable To The Certain | Dr RC Sproul
In verses 1 &2 of the 11th chapter of the Book of Hebrews, it is written, Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the people of old received their commendation Hebrews 11:1-2 As good as mathematician Pascal’s wager is about assumingContinue Reading
Q & A With Reverend Julio Orozco: Mary, Faith & Obedience In Action
On Mother’s Day, Reverend Julio Orozco of Grace Community Church preached a sermon on Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus. The focus wasn’t so much on this being a typical Mother’s Day message, but the emphasis was on her obedience and faith in the face of tremendous pressure and doubtsContinue Reading
The End Purpose Of The Multiple Thorns In Your Life | John Piper
I have been tormented and harassed by several thorns in my flesh and like Paul I’ve pleaded with the Lord to take them away on multiple occasions. Unlike Paul though I didn’t hear a voice saying my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in yourContinue Reading
Cold Case Christianity, The Reliability Of The Gospels | J Warner Wallace
I get these questions all the time from folks-” how can you believe the Gospels? How do you know with certainty that what the writers recorded was accurate and true? It’s funny because I asked myself the same questions a few years ago when I was confronted with the possibilityContinue Reading
Q & A With Reverend Julio Orozco, The Bodily Resurrection Of Christ
About a week ago, Christians throughout the world celebrated Easter, which central theme is the bodily resurrection of Christ. Folks think it’s absurd to believe that a dead man can come back to life again because that violates the laws of nature. I wrote a post about a year agoContinue Reading
Understanding Power and Truth | Daniel 6-12 | Dr John Lennox
Peter in in first letter made an important statement that I think a substantial amount of believers in Christ take too lightly, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that isContinue Reading
Q& A With Bill Krayer -The Hallel Psalms & Their Significance Session 1
A couple of weeks ago I met with my longtime friend and mentor Bill Krayer and during our exchange he shared one of the most profound Truth with me from the Hallel psalms. He’s been going through most of these particular psalms during the lent period and one of theContinue Reading