If God is Sovereign, How Can Man Be Free- Dr RC Sproul
Last year, I was having an interesting conversation with an older gentleman of the Christian faith who attempted to explain the concept of ” human freewill” to me. His explanation of how salvation was directly dependent on human’s freewill went something like this, Suppose your cruise ship is suddenly sinkingContinue Reading
If There Is a God, Why Are There Atheists Courtesy Of Dr RC Sproul
I haven’t been able to share much on the site as of late not because I don’t want to but because I’ve been doing much listening. I’m exploring the concept of the “ASEITY” OF GOD and it has led me to just be in awe of who God is. TheContinue Reading
Nothing Left To Chance, The Philistines Certainly Uncertain
The Philistines continue to hold on to the idea of chance despite the pile of evidences they were given. They decided to test the ark of the Lord several ways and we ‘ll look at each of the way they did it. Scripture References: 1 Samuel 5: 6-12 1 SamuelContinue Reading
Eli’s Sons Were Worthless Men, What About You And I ?
Eli’s sons were regarded by the Lord as worthless because according to the scriptures they did not know the Lord. I dare not regard any man as worthless but when God makes his own assessment , He makes it based on His own righteousness; and according to God Eli sonsContinue Reading
The Philistines’s Worldview Disrupted- Dagon’s Instance
Let me start with this statement – God does not need you or I or anybody to defend HIM, HE expects us to adequately present HIM as the Holy Scriptures describe HIM. I’ve seen way too many people get caught up in arguments about defending God with eloquent words whenContinue Reading
Affliction As A Vocation, If God Is So Good Why Do I Suffer? Courtesy Dr. RC Sproul
I’m progressively coming to the realization that nothing is left to chance because chance is nothing, and there is a fundamental principle that says that out of nothing comes out nothing. Since I’m convinced by Romans 8:28:”And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for thoseContinue Reading
Gideon And His 300 Chosen Men- The Screening Process & Its Implications
The Book of Judges is as contemporary as it gets; it is marked with a repeated pattern that we see in the current world we live in. The people cry out to God and in His faithfulness and mercy He provides them with a deliverer. They obey God until theContinue Reading