The Nets Began To Break But Later They Didn’t Break- Why?
I read the instance in the chapter 5 of the book of Luke ( The Physician) in which Peter and his companions are told by Jesus to go back out to Seas for a catch ( meanwhile they had already fished all night and caught nothing). We all know howContinue Reading
Husbands, Love your wives As Christ Loved the Church-The implications
This study stems from a rebuke I received from the Lord several months ago as it pertains to loving my wife His way. He led me to a few passages in the Old Testament to give me a better understanding of what Christ love for us is like. Understanding ChristContinue Reading
Reuben,The Room Of Good Intentions & The Transfer Of Leadership
I’ve looked at Joseph and his brothers complicated relationship in the book of Genesis in the past and I thought I understood all the intricacies in the story. I revisited it again in the past month and half and zeroed in on Reuben. There are just several things in theContinue Reading
Need Help In Math? Be Sure To Check My Tutoring Services
After giving it much thoughts, I have decided to offer my Math tutoring services on this site. For those who don’t know, my background is in mathematics. I earned my degree in Math from Hood College in Frederick in 2008 and I worked for Montgomery College Student Support Services TrioContinue Reading
The Rich Woman, From The Orthodox To A Relationship
Last month we looked at Elisha’s interaction with a woman who had just lost her husband and was in dire need of financial help. We also know that the story wasn’t just pointing to her financial bankruptcy but also her need for the Savior, you can look at the entireContinue Reading
How A Woman’s Vulnerability Saved Her Household
I’ve been looking at Elisha’s ministry for the last couple of months and the stories we are given in the book of Kings are loaded with nuggets of truths that point to a bigger picture. Today’s event takes place in the 2 Kings 4:1-7; it involves a widow who isContinue Reading
The Transfer Of Responsibility-From Elijah To Elisha & The Implications
Elijah’s story takes center stage in the first book of Kings, an era in which the kingdom of Israel is led by one of its worst leaders, King Ahab. As Elijah’s ministry is coming to an end, 2 Kings 2:1-22 gives us an interesting story between his assistant ( Elisha)Continue Reading