Genesis 9:18-28, A Family’s Tragedy & Prophecy
Welcome back to our study of the book of Genesis, today we’ll turn our eyes to Genesis 9:18-28, a family’s tragedy and prophecy. God had just made a covenant with Noah and His three sons and the entire earth, it was a new beginning. God started with Noah, a manContinue Reading
Genesis 9: 8-17, God Establishes His Covenant with Noah
Last week, we began our exploration of of Genesis 9 with verses 1-7, a passage about new beginnings. We discussed how God extended mankind’s diet, and the dominion that humans have over other creatures and the world. We also touched on the importance of respecting both animal and human life.Continue Reading
Genesis 9: 1-7 , God Grants Humans Dominion and Requires Blood Reckoning
Welcome back to our study of the book of Genesis, in our last study we took a closer look at chapter 8 and talked in details about the events that led up to Noah exiting the ark. Today we’ll continue with chapter 9 and take a look at the firstContinue Reading
Genesis 8, The Beginning Of Hope
Welcome back to our study of the book of Genesis! In our last session, we discussed the events that led up to the great flood that destroyed all life on earth except for Noah, his family, and the pairs of animals God had chosen to accompany them in the ark.Continue Reading
The Flood Eventually Came In keeping With The Word of God ,Genesis 7
Welcome back to our study of the book of Genesis, in our last study, we talked about the reasons why God made the decision to bring about the flood. Today we’ll see that God’s word will never fail in keeping with Isaiah 55:11. The Flood Then the Lord said to Noah, “Go intoContinue Reading
Why Did God Bring The Flood In Noah’s Time?
Welcome back to our study of the book of Genesis. Today we’ll talk about the events that led up to the flood in Noah’s time. In chapter 4, we talked about how there was no fear of God in the line of Cain. It set the stage for what we’llContinue Reading
The Problem of Hell: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul
Why do some of us struggle so much with the Bible’s teaching about hell? Today, R.C. Sproul explains that it’s not because we have a higher view of justice than God does. Hear more from Ultimately with R.C. Sproul: Reading