Do You Really Want To Be Healed!!!!!!
This post was birthed out of a sharp rebuke I received from the Lord a few days ago. Scriptures say that God disciplines those He accepts as his children; and no discipline seems pleasant at the time but later on it leads to a harvest of righteousness for those whoContinue Reading
The Second Exchange Between King Saul & Samuel |The Implications
The people of Israel wanted a King like their surrounding nations and God had warned them about what the king they wanted would do to them. But in their blindness they disregarded the Lord’s warning and insisted on having their own way. He gave them Saul to teach them aContinue Reading
How Darius The Mede Received The Good News
The story takes place after the Medo-Persian empire takes control of Babylon. You can read it in its entirety, see Daniel 6:1-28. In order for us to fully comprehend the story, we must first humbly ask the Spirit of the Living God to open our minds. This isn’t an academicContinue Reading
The Aseity of God and His Changeless Nature Courtesy Of DR RC Sproul
The late Dr RC Sproul of Ligonier Ministries is one of my favorite teachers in the area of systematic theology. He had an entire series about the doctrine of God that I will periodically share on the site. Today’s topic is about the Aseity of God and His changeless nature.Continue Reading
The Widow At Zarephath, From The Relative To The Absolute
The Old Testament’s events and stories are loaded with truths that are part of a bigger narrative. When you begin to read and dig into the stories more and ask the Holy Spirit to explain/interpret the stories to you, Christ will begin to form in your heart and your confidenceContinue Reading
What About The Resurrection?
The Christian faith is built on the foundation of the Virgin Birth and The Resurrection. Many have doubted the Resurrection of Jesus Christ because they claim it makes no sense ( they basically say it violates natural laws). Well of course, for God to deliver HIS punchline, He has to violateContinue Reading