Genesis 5, A Call To Walk With God Like Enoch
Welcome back to our study of the book of Genesis, we ended chapter 4 with an emphasis on the beginning of the generation of Seth and what it is known for- calling upon the name of the Lord. We contrasted it to the line of Cain that was more concernedContinue Reading
Genesis 4:25-26, Calling Upon The Name Of The Lord
Welcome back to our study of Genesis, we’ll close chapter 4 today as we zero in on verses 25 and 26. In our last study, we talked about Cain and his descendants and how they lived lives that were diametrically opposed to the things of GOD- they walked in absoluteContinue Reading
Genesis 4:16-24, There Is No Fear Of God
We continue our exploration of the Book of Genesis to learn more about the consequences of Cain’s sin. In the last study, we discussed his murder and refusal to acknowledge or repent for his actions. Today, however, we will focus on the implications of Cain’s decision to abandon the Lord’sContinue Reading
Genesis 4:8-15, The descent Into Darkness
In verses 1-8 of Genesis 4, one of the most poignant stories is that of Cain murdering his own brother Abel. This act was sparked by Cain’s refusal to accept God’s instruction and discipline. In this study, we will explore what happened after the murder and how contempt for disciplineContinue Reading
Genesis 4:1-8: The Offerings, The Rejection & The First Murder In The History Of The World
The fourth chapter of Genesis reveals the first recorded accounts in history of a murderous act, and it all begins with a simple offering. In this passage from the Bible, readers learn about two brothers and their offerings to God — one being accepted and honored while the other isContinue Reading
Genesis 3:11-23, The Serpent Is Cursed & Man’s Banishment From Eden
Welcome back to our study of the book of Genesis, last week we gained a clearer understanding of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. We reaffirmed that we should trust God and His Word, appreciate His mercy, and avoid conversations with Satan. Now we’ll look at verses 11 throughContinue Reading
The Book Of Genesis Line By Line: Genesis 3:8-10, What Happened Immediately After The Fall?
We’re glad to be back to continue our study of Genesis. We concentrated on the Fall of Man last week. We talked about the characteristics of the serpent and the complexities around it. We also discussed the craftiness of Satan and the significance of appropriately implementing the Bible rather thanContinue Reading