The Book Of Genesis Line By Line: Genesis 1:1-5 Courtesy Of Dr. Baruch Korman
I was looking for another bible book to study, and my search led me to the beginning, the book of Genesis. Many have attempted to put their own spin on the creation account, but as believers, our primary responsibility is to remain consistent with what the Scripture teaches. I wasContinue Reading
Who Are The Sons Of GOD Mentioned In Verse 2 Of Genesis 6 ?
As I was reading Genesis 6, I came across a verse that has been the source of much debate among biblical scholars. In verse 2, it says that the sons of God saw the daughters of men and took them as wives. There are several different interpretations of this verse,Continue Reading
Genesis 3:22-24, A Picture Of The Mercy Of God
This week, I was reading through Genesis 3, and my goal was to take my time and thoroughly understand what the chapter was saying. This is one of the saddest chapters in the Bible because it reveals what drove mankind into darkness. Adam and Eve were living in the felicityContinue Reading
Why Did Jesus Write With His Finger On The Ground, John 8:6
The divinity of Jesus Christ has been the topic of much debate, from opponents of the cross to those who profess to be followers of Christ. It should come as no surprise given that the Bible forewarns us about the advent of false teachers in the end days. Not onlyContinue Reading
Is The Doctrine Of The Trinity Man Made?
As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and lovers of the God of the Hebrews, we must clarify precisely what the Bible teaches regarding the Messiah’s identity. One of the most serious attacks on Christianity is directed at Christ’s deity. Some view him as just a prophet sent by GodContinue Reading
John 1:11-18, The Symbiotic Relationship Between Law And Grace, Being Born Of God & More
Welcome back to our study of the book of John, we’ll continue with chapter 1 today as we zero in on John 1:11-18-The Symbiotic Relationship Between Law And Grace. Last wee, we talked about the divinity of the Word ( Jesus). We also talked about the Word expressing the lightContinue Reading
Hebrews 13:1-6, How To Live To Please God?
Welcome back to our study of the book of Hebrews, today we’ll zero in on Hebrews 13:1-6, and learn how to live in order to please God. We have to always remember that when the author was penning down his letter under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, there wasContinue Reading