Is Your Salvation The Work Of GOD Alone?
The most tragic thing that has occurred to humanity is our lack of interest in understanding and discovering objective Truth. Relativism has produced such a deep slumber that few people believe in the existence of objective truth. If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you believe in God’s objective existence. However,Continue Reading
Galatians 6:1-10, A Call To Bear One Another’s Burdens
Welcome back to our discussion of Galatians. Today we’ll begin chapter 6 and zero in on verses 1 through 10, the call to Bear One Another’s Burdens. In our previous session, we discussed the new freedom that the Christian possesses as a result of Christ’s work on the cross. IfContinue Reading
John 1:1-10, The Word Was In The Beginning, By Dr. Baruch Korman
The last book of the bible I gave my attention to was the book of Galatians. I’ve always wanted to dive deep into the Gospel of John but never really got through it. But after watching Dr. Baruch Korman’s exposition of John, I felt compelled to share it on theContinue Reading
A Kingdom That Can’t Be Shaken, Hebrews 12:18-29
Welcome back to our study of Hebrews; today we’ll focus on Hebrews 12:18-29. We discussed in our previous session what the appropriate response should be when we are disciplined by the Lord. In today’s session, we’ll talk about the end purpose of the discipline of the Lord, a kingdom thatContinue Reading
How Shall We Respond To Being Disciplined By God? Hebrews 12:12-17
Welcome back to our study of the book of Hebrews, today we’ll be looking at Hebrews 12:12-17-How Shall We Respond To Being Disciplined By God? In our last session, we talked about the necessity of being disciplined by God. In the case of the original readers of the letter, theyContinue Reading
What Does Being Set Free From The Law Mean For The Born Again Believer? Galatians 5 With John Gerstner
Welcome back to our study of the book of Galatians with the late Dr. John Gerstner. Today we’ll take a look chapter 5 and talk about what it means to be set free from the law. In our last two sessions, we talked about the main purpose and function ofContinue Reading
Why The God-Man?
Why the God-Man? This is a question that Christians must be able to answer, especially when critics of other faiths deny Jesus Christ’s deity. While this is a delicate subject to consider, it is certainly worth contemplating. My decision to give an explanation for the absolute necessity of the God-Continue Reading