The Gospel Of Mark Line By Line E8: Mark 8 Exposition By Dr RC Sproul

The Gospel Of Mark Line By Line E8: Mark 8 Exposition By Dr RC Sproul

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Welcome back to our study of the book of Mark courtesy of the late DR RC Sproul. In our last session, we looked at chapter 7. Today we will continue with chapter 8 and our breakdown will be as follows:

The Feeding of the Four Thousand (Mark 8:1-21) —CLICK HERE

Just after Jesus miraculously fed another great crowd, the Pharisees came demanding more signs from Him. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of the gospel of Mark to identify the dangers of a hardened heart.

The Blind Man & Peter’s Confession (Mark 8:22-30) —CLICK HERE

Why did it take two touches from Jesus’ hand for a blind man to be healed? Continuing his exposition of the gospel of Mark, today R.C. Sproul contemplates the message Christ conveyed to His disciples by bringing this man from dimness to clarity of sight.

Taking Up the Cross (Mark 8:31-38) —CLICK HERE

The Christian life is more costly than we realize and more precious than we know. Today, R.C. Sproul continues his exposition of the gospel of Mark to help us soberly assess the price of following our crucified King.