A Closer Look At Genesis 40:1-15 , Joseph’s Subtle Mixed Motives Dealt With
Joseph’s account has been used in many sermons. Recently, my pastor has been preaching a series on it that I’ve truly enjoyed- especially how he paralleled Joseph and Jesus. I’ve also heard other preachers who have described this account as some type of fairy tale almost comparable to Drake’s startedContinue Reading
2 John 1:4-11, Continue In The Truth, Abide In The Love Of God & Expose The Heretics
We kicked off the second book of John several days ago, and gave our attention to verses 1-3, the salutation. Before John even begins his letter, he preaches the gospel in his greetings to the addressees. We’re going to continue today and turn our attention to verses 4 through 11.Continue Reading
The Gospel Of Mark Line By Line E12: Mark 12 Exposition By Dr RC Sproul
Welcome back to our study of the book of Mark courtesy of the late DR RC Sproul. In our last session, we looked at chapter 11. Today we will continue with chapter 12 and our breakdown will be as follows: The Parable of the Vinedressers (Mark 12:1–12) — A SermonContinue Reading
2 John 1:1- 3 , The Gospel Preached In The Greetings
Before John even addresses any issues in his second epistle, the Gospel is preached in the greetings. We just wrapped up the 1 book of John last week and I was wondering what book to study next. I wanted to go back to the book of Exodus but I thoughtContinue Reading
Former Woke Pastor On Why He Now Rejects The Social Justice Gospel
I was scanning through my youtube feed on Sunday and came across a very interesting video. The title read-“A Christian Pastor Tells His Story of Rejecting the Social Justice Gospel, with Edwin Ramirez”. Many churches have been seduced and coerced into replacing biblical teaching and sermons with social justice messages.Continue Reading
The Final Words Of The Apostle John , 1 John 5:18-21
1 John 5:18-21, the final words of the apostle John. Welcome back to our study of the book of first John, today is going to conclude this odyssey that we’ve been on. Last week, we talked about the sin that leads to perdition, John calls it the sin that leadsContinue Reading
The Gospel Of Mark Line By Line E11: Mark 11 Exposition By Dr RC Sproul
Welcome back to our study of the book of Mark courtesy of the late DR RC Sproul. In our last session, we looked at chapter 10. Today we will continue with chapter 11 and our breakdown will be as follows: The Triumphal Entry (Mark 11:1–11) — A Sermon by R.C.Continue Reading